Medical Benefits
Under ESIC Act, the medical attendance and treatment of an insured person and his family will be covered as and when required. This advantage is provided to the employees through the State Government comprising Model Hospital operated by ESI Corporation excluding Delhi.
The medical benefits under this Act cover the complete range of medical, surgical, and obstetric treatment include outdoor treatment, in-patient treatment, supply of all drugs and dressings, pathological and radiological investigations, prenatal and postnatal care, etc.
2.Benefits to Family
As mentioned, the family members of the employees will get complete medical care as and when required.
Moreover, the family members are also eligible for medical treatment such as artificial limbs and artificial appliances.
Would the family of the insured employee receive any benefit in case the employee dies?
Indeed, the family of the insured employee will continue to receive medical benefits while receiving unemployment allowances.
Besides, your family, the widow, widowed mother, and children are entitled to receive the dependent benefit if the employee died due to employment injury.
Does ESI Scheme cover funeral benefits?
Indeed, the ESI scheme covers the funeral benefits by providing Rs 10,000 to the family members/individual who incurs the expenses mentioned earlier on a funeral.
Retirement Benefits
Under a Voluntary Retirement Scheme or Premature Retirement, if an employee retires after being insured for at least 5 years must be entitled to receive medical benefits for himself and his spouse. However, they must provide evidence and submit a nominal contribution of Rs 120 for a year.
To be noted, under Rule 61, if the insured person dies yet, the spouse will continue to receive the medical benefit on the payment of contribution as mentioned above.
Maternity Benefits
Maternity benefits refer to the recurring payment to an insured woman for a particular time duration for absence from work due to accouchement, miscarriage, and sickness emerge because of pregnancy and premature birth of a baby.
With effect from 20-1-2017, maternity benefits have widened to a “commissioning mother” ( a biological mother's desire to have a child and choose to embryo implantation in another woman).
Moreover, if the insured woman who adopts the child legally will also receive maternity benefits.